Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fashion Buzz

Carrying around overpriced cups of Starbucks coffee is already in vogue, so I was surprised to learn about the mega chain's latest offering: a Starbucks card designed by Project Runway winner Christian Siriano.

I need preface this by saying that I like Siriano, I really do. The guy was a hoot on Project Runway. His designs were a fresh breath of creativity. Heck, I'm even supportive of his makeup line at Victoria's Secret. But I just can't take this card seriously.

From the Starbucks' Web site:

“One of the things I love about fashion is that it can change the way you feel inside and out. Put on a fabulous little something and you feel like a new lady! Giving back is the same – it changes what’s going on in your life because it changes what’s going in your heart. It’s true, people! This year, the Card design that I created with Starbucks is all about putting the spirit of fashion and giving into your life for the Holidays. And maybe a Frappuccino Blended beverage, too. I can’t get enough of those!!” - Christian Siriano

I know this is written by someone in PR, but really? The Starbucks gift card (and soon-to-be loyalty program) is about the "spirit of fashion and giving?" Sure. And if they really wanted to feed into my fashion sensibilities, Starbucks should have persuaded Siriano to do something a little more creative than gray swirls and his name scrawled across the card.

What are your thoughts on this designer collaboration?


  1. Instead of them wasting their money on this, they should offer discounts :)

  2. I adore Siriano. But this makes absolutely zero sense to me.

  3. What's the meaning of this card? Not following!

    Thanks for your sweet comment!


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