Tuesday, January 3, 2012

{ happy 2012 }

I hope you all had a wonderful time ringing in the new year this weekend! If you're following along on Bedknobs & Baubles, you already know that I put forth a few New Year's resolutions that will be fun to keep:
  1. Shop smart. Plan purchases. Save money. Invest in quality. Buy only what I love. Curb impulse spending.

  2. Clean the closet. Store anything that doesn’t fit right now. Donate unloved pieces or give eBay a whirl. Bring not-quite-right items to a tailor. Get rid of shoes that aren’t comfortable or scuffed beyond repair.

  3. Wear a bikini for the very first time. Eat right to prep for our Floridian vacation, but remember that no one has a perfect body. Don’t forget sunscreen.

  4. Use vacation time liberally. Enjoy the journey as much as the destination. Relax. Bring back weekend adventures with Dave.

  5. Raise a glass to champagne toasts. The little successes are just as important as the big ones. And, yes, accomplishing another work week is reason enough to celebrate.
What are your resolutions for 2012? Did you accomplish last year's goals?


  1. I absolutely need to curb impulse spending. I do it all the time. I would say a lot of the money I spend each month goes to things I don't think through. So bad.

  2. I like your goals, they are definitely some I need to adopt for myself!

    happy new year!

  3. Great resolutions - esp #5 :)

  4. I can get onboard with all of these. Long live vacation time!

  5. Happy new years ! Thanks for the visit :D


  6. Happy New Year!!! And what wonderful resolutions!!! Wow, I never would have guessed you've never worn a bikini, I think you have a great body for one :D

  7. these sound eerily similar to my own, especially those first two! but, while i applaud those who will do that bikini one, i'm gonna pass. three kids later, i'm not really into letting it all hang out. :)

  8. Happy New Year. Love these resolutions. : )

  9. Such good, and realistic, resolutions! I like that you were specific.

    My goals are to land a permanent job at my internship and to find love :)


Thanks for commenting - each one means a lot!

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